Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer 2013 (As of July)

Okay this video is kind of stupid, but I like the actual song. It has been stuck in my head all day, well that and Funhouse by P!nk, which they are both really random songs, so don't ask me why.

I actually had a lifeguard shift from 9-12 today, so I was out guarding and just singing this song. (It's called "I Just Wanna Run") Try singing it with a wide range of emotions, it is kind of funny because it actually works really well with a lot of emotions. It works when you see your coach and want to freak out at him, or when a cute guy smiles at you or looks at you, or when you are thinking about anything, or even just plain nothing; try it, it works.

I do that with a lot of songs I have found though, like it works for the current emotion. Except Kryptonite by Three Doors Down, that one gives me a really hard negative adrenaline rush that is probably not healthy, but it motivates you to do well. By negative adrenaline rush I mean you get a lot of adrenaline, but you get really angry and upset and want to do something, but you don't even know what to do because nothing can really express your anger. I don't know if you ever feel that, but it is not good, your heart is beating really fast and you could do something with the adrenaline, but at the same time you can't because you start just shutting down. I heard Kryptnite a few weeks ago on my ipod when I was awake in the middle of the night and I decided to listen to it and see if I could get that adrenaline rush, and an hour later when I couldn't stop pacing and was really angry and upset I regretted it. So yeah, negative adrenaline rushes are not good.

But it is negative because it reminds me about varsity and how much my swim season sucked, I actually really like the song. In case you want to listen to it, here it is:


Ooooh, maybe I should make this all about music!


Okay, so last week I went to a BYU sports camp for swimming, I learned a lot and I feel like my technique is greatly improved. I went with Allie and although we swam in different pools we hung out most of the day, these are the songs of the week: I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco, All The Pretty girls on a saturday night by F.U.N., and Sunset in July by 311

Sunset in July by 311:
(I really like the guitar in this)


All the Pretty Girls on a Saturday Night by F.U.N.

(vain isn't it?)

I am not going to include I Write Sins Not Tragedies because it swears and I don't know if that might offend someone, plus I don't feel like listening to it right now. You can go search it if you so desire.


I would add more, but I would prefer to add more music right now...

So for the end of the school year, as in the last few weeks, my song is Kyoto by Skrillex. It is a song that I listened to a few times with some of my friends, who are actually really girly and you would expect them to listen to Skrillex, but they love it, and so do I. Oh and one of my other songs for swim camp is "Breaking a Sweat" by skrillex, I will post that below the current video (Kyoto).


Breaking a Sweat ----------------^

OKAY! So this is by no means done, but I don't want to finish it and school starts next week, so it will be too late to post it then, sorry you are getting half done posts, maybe next time I have an anxiety attack you can get a full hearted attempt at a post ;) Have fun, happy last week of summer, I will be better a blogging this school year, I Promise! (even if it is just a promise to myself, maybe if I say it I will do it.)

Okay this year I will
~Blog more
~make my "one thing" to work on be swimming
~not freak out and have an anxiety attack
~get Nick or Al (cute soccer player) to notice me or some other guy I actually like
~Not let The two snakes who ruined a lot of last swim season get to me ;) I think I got my revenge when I realized how much they care what I think and how they see me.
~That's it! sorry if you don't know me, or don't know me well and have absolutely no clue what I am talking about.... But noone has read this in like a year, except Allie last night, so I figure it doesn't matter if you understand because I am mainly talking to myself


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