Sunday, November 27, 2011


Yes, you heard me right, braces. I had braces in second and third grade, then a retainer, so I figured I was pretty set. I have actually gotten compliments on my teeth at school... not so at home. My mom is convinced that my teeth aren't "rounded enough." She says that the retainer made my teeth to flat in front or something, personally, I think it's fine. 
I was going to get a new set of braces two years ago, but got sick right before and got to avoid it. I was hoping this would last, because my teeth are STRAIGHT, there is nothing wrong with them. But my mother did not see the light or understand my argument, so she insisted that we look into it. Every time she brought it up I would have a spaz attack over why I don't need them, so she decided to surprise me with news that we were going to "compare prices" between my old orthodontist and some new guy.
I went reluctantly to the orthodontist and decided I really didn't want braces. The assistants couldn't turn on one of the machines, then when I saw the actual guy I was not sure how old he was. He looked like he was in high school almost. Then I saw his diploma and it said 2010, as in he just graduated like a year or two ago! 
He talked to my mom and me for a while, then started acting like I really was going to have braces. I was going to tell him how it really was, that I wasn't going to get them, this is all theoretical, but he stopped me. What had been making me hold off saying that I wasn't going to get them was that I didn't want to interrupt and the fact that he had a row of shiny new iPod shuffles on his desk. Before you start dissing iPod shuffles, they are good. They are also shiny, so I let them go on talking about braces like it was a possibility for a little longer. Then when I was about to say something to him concerning why I couldn't I heard him say "And you can take one of the iPods." He had me there, iPod or braces free? Tough choice, I wanted both equally. He started talking about how it would only be eight months, so they'd be off by high school, and how they are going to be clear-ish, and all that, so I decided that I could at least decided which one I wanted if I were to give in. 
He started writing stuff and they were talking seriously about it, but I am like a raccoon, I was more focused on the metallic green, pink, and silver to care about the details. I still wasn't sure, but I figured I could learn a little more, you know, it was going to be in a while, a month or two right?
A month would be good, enough time to seriously think about it I decided. But then I heard "When is good for you?" from him and my mom reply, "Never after school, she has swim and she can't miss that. Tuesdays don't work and tomorrow I can't. Maybe Wednesday... What classes can you miss Skittles? Is that an A day or a B day?"
This was not good, but I couldn't say anything now because it was too late and this wouldn't happen again (such a good price plus an iPod shuffle)and I didn't want to be rude and be a brat.
So now I am getting braces during eighth period Wednesday, am going to have stupid braces all year for my already straight teeth, and am going to look like a weirdo, but it's all good because now I have an iPod shuffle! (Oh, and in case you were wondering I chose the silver one, and it looks really yeah!)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ninja Puma Scar Story

I don't think I should post about swim again, those of you that do read this are probably getting bored of that. Three weeks of just talking about swim meets would probably be a little bit of over kill. I had two meets this week, the first one I am not even sure about, my memory of it is hazy. I did drop nine seconds on butterfly though, that was the highlight. The second meet was a two day meet, and it was a lot of fun. My legs are very vandalized and the sharpie may never come off them (not that I want it to). I swam 100 free and 50 in a 200 free relay. I could spend a whole post on that meet, but like I said,  you are probably not interested in hearing about a swim meet every post.

Now you get to hear about my ninja puma scar, because they are irrelevant but I haven't told you any unrelated stories lately, so it's high time I did.

This summer I went to girls camp, for girls at my church who are like 12-18. There were a lot of 15 year old girls, but I really spent a lot of time with the 12 year olds. It was a ton of fun, although I got caught in a huge storm and ended up feeling kind of sick after that... But during camp I was roasting a hot dog. I never eat hot dogs, but I was that day. I had just taken the hot dog of the metal pole, so I think I stuck it back into the fire to see if I could get it red hot. After a minute I took it out and was just spinning it around not really noticing what I was doing. This roasting stick was bent though, I don't know why it was bent so much or how I happened to choose that one, but by chance I had chosen the one that was so bent at the end. So I was spinning it around not paying attention when it hit my face. I started to shout because of the sudden pain (which that in it's self is a little weird, I usually shriek, not like shout). I caught myself though, and just put the roaster down and went to the little cabin I was staying in. It really hurt, but I didn't want anyone to know or be worried, so I decided to try and cover it up with make up. The problem was it burned from the top of my cheek down across my mouth and almost to my chin. I don't ever wear like foundation, so I tried to cover it with blush and lip gloss. At first I thought it might work, because you could hardly see it, but it killed. I asked one of the girls to let me hold a cold water bottle she had just filled up to my face~~~, and again tried to act totally natural while holding a water bottle to my face. It looked pretty stupid, because I was just jabbering about how it was so hot and it was really a good idea to hold cold water bottles to your face.

My whole make up and water bottle thing was kind of working, but we were about to go on a hike then go canoeing. As we were hiking my face started hurting more and more, but I tolerated it. We canoed, then when I got back on shore people started asking what happened to my face. I said I had just burned it, but yeah it was fine.

Waiting for the other girls I started talking to this one girl, she is in 9th grade with me and is really quiet, so I had hardly ever talked to her. We were talking and had heard it was almost time to hike back to camp, so we followed some older girls back. I couldn't see the other girls, just the one I was talking to and the two we were following. Right when we were leaving it started raining. I figured that I could handle it, just a little rain right? But the hike was all up hill, and the rain turned to hail. Now with my face still searing and trudging uphill in freezing hail, I was pretty miserable. But a little while into the hike back we all realized that none of the other girls were with us. There were girls from other wards, but none from ours.

We didn't want to go all the way back, so we decided to just keep on going. It hailed or rained or sleeted the whole time. I was soaking, and my shoes were dripping from all the puddles and condensation. We got back to camp after what seemed like forever, and were faced with another problem, there were hot showers, but there were only two. We all decided that since there were four girls, the two older ones would get one shower and the 9th grade girl and I would get the other. This ended up more confusing and strange than I expected or than it sounds, so I don't think I will explain how it all ended up, but we were all showered and just talking for an hour before anyone got back.

One of the leaders had decided to stay back, so she talked to us, but again with my mouth hurting it started to get hard to talk. My scar was now bright and starting to blister. The freak storm had worn everyone out, so we were all just sitting in the bunks talking when everyone came back.

Talking hurt, but for some reason chewing gum didn't, so I started chewing a lot of gum. I had a dozen or more pieces in my mouth by the time dinner came. (I got that number into the 30's the next day, much to the disgust of my mom when she picked me up.)

But back to the story, It kept hurting, and it killed when it blistered. Some people started asking me what happened to my face and if I was okay, which I was I said, but about half way through the next day it stopped being okay and I couldn't speak at all and was almost in tears at how much it hurt to open my mouth.

One of the senior girls told me when I was trying to come up with a better story than "I got burned on a weenie roaster" as one of the other girls had suggested I say (because it sounds so pathetic), that I say I was attacked my a ninja. She kept coming up with better ideas, and my favorite was a was attacked my a puma. So that is how I got my ninja puma scar. (unfortunately it faded an incredible amount within like a week, so now you can't see it.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crazy Week

In English this week I was called an "antilogacous" person. To clarify I will go through the whole definition for it, because frankly I don't think that I would have the patience to try to analyze what each part of it means, so I don't expect you to either. Anti means against, Log-speech, Acious- inclined to, so.... It is being against people talking, and I guess according to Mr. Thompson, it describes me. I am not sure how serious he was, but he seems to think that I am quiet and have no fun (the no fun part is a different story though), which is laughable. I am not at all quiet, unless I am nervous or something, but generally no. I don't talk a ton in class I guess though. The reason why is I don't want to look stupid, and when I talk that happens quite frequently. In English I am not having a ton of luck, I think Mr.Thompson knows I want to be unnoticed and uses that against me by making that impossible. I like English better being noticed, so I guess it's good. But back to the point, I usually never shut up, so it is funny he thought I was quiet.

Now, I had two swim meets this week, so I should talk about them. The first meet was good, not much to report there, but I did an all kicking relay... I was not happy about that. The second swim meet, which was in Box Elder, actually shaped a lot of the end of my week. I hated the meet, every moment of the meet pretty much, so my times were not good, and I was very, very unhappy when I got home. I won't go into detail on what made the meet so mad, but I think that it will suffice to say that my mom had to force me to go to school the next day (even though she let me sleep through fifth period), and had to really have some good reasons for me to go to swim. I actually decided that I hated swimming and never wanted to go back. I went through the first half of swim and was about to swear at a few people.

I really didn't want to go to the "meeting" because I didn't want to hear that I sucked. It was better than I thought and there were cookies after, so that made me happier. I ended up liking swim okay, and got over a little bit of my anger. But two of my friends kept asking me to go to this dance, and I said that I would I guess, although I actually had no intention of going.

 I accidentally let it slip and my friends realized I wasn't going to go, so they forced me to go. I went and spent a lot of time with Shelby's friends, but saw a lot of other people that I knew too. I saw a bunch of people from swim there, and talked to a few. I saw two of the people that I was mad at before, and they both apologized for what they did, so everything ended up happy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cedar City Swim Meet

Disclaimer: I have no idea why some of this is highlighted and I can't fix it, so just go with it.

Last week I told you I was going to write about the Cedar City swim meet, so here it is!

Last Friday I went to a swim meet in Cedar City. We left around 7:45 am from the pool were I swim. When we got there we waited for a while, then a cool looking bus pulled up. It was the nice fancy expensive looking kind of bus. It was all chrome looking and big and had a fancy driver.   He looked like a butler and talked like one too, which was cool because most bus drivers remind me of hobos.

On the trip there I sat by my "bed mate" Shelby and my friend Allie. Shelby and I sat directly by each other and Allie sat on the row across the aisle from us. It was a five hour long trip, but it was surprisingly not boring. Shelby and I talked most of the ride, and Allie woke up a few times to talk to us, although I guess the hot guy in front of her was more interesting anyways. Shelby and I talked about school drama for most of a few hours, and then I showed her Julian Smith. She was quoting him, but didn't even know who he was! So just in case you also don't know who he is, here is a video by him:

After we got to the hotel where we were staying we went to Subway for lunch. Then we unpacked and went to the meet. My events were 200 Free, 200 Free Relay, 100 Back, and 400 Free Relay. I learned that I really like relays so far. I was nervous for the 100 back, but I didn't get disqualified, so that is success for me right now. I did my events, but poor Shelby had a 500 Free. She wasn't confident about her swimming, and  almost threw up or started crying a few times. She was nervous all of Friday for it and half of Saturday, but then did amazing on it and will now probably have it again.
There is a lot more to a meet than just the races as you know or can guess. This meet had a ton going on since it was an overnight one. After the first night of the meet, everyone when to Sizzlers. Shelby swims for a different high school than Allie and me, so she usually ends up going with the Lancers. This time however, Allie and I went with her high school, the Knights. I think it confused the waitress though, so Allie and I got our food last. Allie didn't like the food, but Shelby and I did, so we ate all of ours and some of Allie's. We got ice cream after, but it was self serve, so by the time we got to it everyone had already had some, so we ate half frozen ice cream. I did my favorite thing to do, tell someone after I start eating or at the most inconvenient time that I am allergic to ice cream. You should try it, it is really funny every time. But anyways, we ate ice cream and I told her that I was allergic and she freaked out. She got mad and made me stop eating it. Luckily though, I have cousins that live in Cedar City, and one of them was excited I came and brought me cookies, which were 100 times better than the ice cream, so I didn't go without treats. (Okay, I did also have about a pound of skittles in my hoodie too, but not counting that, that's just basic survival.) After dinner, we were going to go to either a movie or haunted house. I voted haunted house, but we ended up going to a movie. We saw The Three Musketeers, and it was really funny, but the whole time Shelby was freaking out about her knife that she brings everywhere. She carries it everywhere I guess, and when she dropped it on the bus she had a mini heart attack. She couldn't stop talking about it, and almost hugged the boy that found it the next day. She doesn't let me touch her knife, because I dropped it on my lap and also another incident on the last bus ride to Logan.
After we got back to the hotel after the movie, it was almost midnight, so we went to bed pretty quickly. When we woke up the next morning, we woke up to screaming for some reason. We went down stairs and ate breakfast, but there weren't enough chairs, so I sat on the ground. Shelby grabbed a banana for me and I grabbed an orange for her (don't ask me why) before we left the hotel. We planned to eat them at the swim meet, so we put them in her bag. She had her bag on a pool chair during the meet, and Allie came over and sat on the chair. Unfortunately she sat right on top of the banana. She said she was too lazy to move, so I tried to eat a smashed banana, again just don't ask.
We had a picnic after the meet ended (about noon) and started off home. On the way home everyone watched Captain America, although I slept though most of it. When I woke up we watched Tangled. Then I was officially the cup holder for one of the coaches. Sadly I felt really special to be able to hold her cup of soda.. Then we went to a truck stop and I bought Skittles, because everyone ate almost ALL my hoodie stash of Skittles!! The whole trip was a blast, and I'll tell you about the Logan meet next time.