Friday, May 31, 2013

Update! (As if anyone reads this)

Hi there! I have so much to say, the hard part is deciding what track to go off on, so bear with me if this gets confusing (or boring).

First: I am trying to think of a good quote, because I love quotes, but I am listening to music and it is hard to think about quotes when I am listening to music. I would quote the song I am listening to, but it doesn't fit... partially because I am not 100% what the song is talking about....

So friend update first? (Skip to the "New people this year" part if you want, this is just restating people I have talked about in the past in case they care)

Allie- Allie and I eat lunch together and are even closer this year. She is funny and we have all these inside jokes about Steven (her ex-almost boyfriend who this year said he liked her then ditched her and got a girlfriend). Allie is pretty cool and did life guard training with me and we are doing a swim camp this summer for a week at BYU. Nothing really more to say without getting nostolgic or something. Also, the memes you send me are hilarious. 

*Like this:

Shelby- Shelby! She came to school with me today! I think I embarrassed her, but it was so nice to come. She is out of school right now and I bribed her with fruit roll ups, and she brought her pet sugar glider. Her sugar glider is named Zuki and is really cute. She is the only person I can talk to about certain things and she had some very similar experiences to me this year. (more on this later)

Jinni- Jinni and I were close during the summer and we had summer drivers ed and called my friend Chris and had so many jokes about him. Over the year we stopped talked so much, but we talk sometimes.

Steven- Steven has been bipolar toward Allie and I am not really friends with him now. He is a Dart (goes to a different school), so I don't see him a lot.

Tom- I didn't really see Tom this year... he is pretty cool still though I think, even though we don't talk a ton.

Beth- Did I really include her in previous lists?! We aren't friends... nothing personal, she is great and all, but we aren't friends.

Pink Lady- I never see Pink Lady! She is a Dart (so we don't go to the same school). I need to call her up, because she is just so freaking amazing and we need to catch up. She, as far as I know, is into taking AP world and Pinterest and being asian and being a genius.

Taylor- Taylor and I never see each other, but we have hung out a few times. She has needed to talk to teachers before and I have gone with her (for moral support) like she did with Mr.T last year. We went on a double date a month or so ago and we say "hi" to each other in the halls. It is sad, because she is one of my best friends, but maybe during the summer we can hang out more.

Moogle Kid, Salsa Sideways, Zenna, Ezlob, Raven Goode- I never see any of you, but I guess we have texted a few times. You never figured out if there was a mystery boy though and who it might be, I am disappointed in all of you guys and you sub-par creeper tools. Raven Goode I see at church, but that is about it.

Sakura- I never see you anymore, but I still love you! You are just amazing and I love your writing.

  Okay, if you want real info, this is what is interesting.

Ryan- Ex-Boyfriend... stalker.... I use then interchangeably. He was sweet, but got a little needy. Want honesty? He ruined a lot of the swim season by being depressing. BUT he was nice and took me of real dates and tried his best and really I feel bad for him. We only went out a few times, but he is my first kiss, which is pretty special.

There are a few people this year (that I am not going to name because that will just complicate things) that tried to make this year miserable. I have started to not care, but for a while it really worked and I hated life and swim and I just wanted to be alone and to not care.

Tay- Tay is a friend as of this year, she is amazing and we have fit for life together, she is so sweet and I just love her.

Mama M- I never call her this, but Jacky and Nat Cat do (I will explain Nat Cat in a minute). Mama M is the best. We always walk during lunch and talk and she is easy to relate to. We don't agree on everything, but we are very similar in a lot of opinions. She is one of my best friends and can understand complicated relationships (family and otherwise) better than most.

Nat Cat- Nat Cat I actually call Nat Cat. Sometimes I use her real name, but I like Nat Cat. She is best friends with Jacky and, along with Mama M, they have a trio. Nat Cat seems quiet at first but she really isn't. She is really funny and is nice. I only got to know her well recently though because we have math together.

Lassy- I mostly just wanted to type Lassy.... He hates being called Lassy, but that's what he gets. He called me Katniss the other day though, so I think we are kind of even. He is in my Fit for Life class and is a comedian. He can be harsh and sometimes doesn't know when to stop a joke, but he is pretty cool still. He took Mama M to Prom and has so much energy. He has more energy than almost anyone I have ever met.

Carl- Jacky and Carl like each other and they talk a lot. I don't know Carl well, but he is really funny and yep. Oh, and he took Jacky to Prom.

CC- Notice how the names are getting less and less creative? CC is the boy who I went to Prom with. He was in my health class and we became friends. He is a pretty cool cat and we are good friends. He is best friends with Carl, I think. We also went to MORP together. By the way my Prom group had CC, me,  Jacky, Carl, Lassy, Mama M, and two other couples in it, just to clarify in case you are trying to keep track. (Though I don't know why because this seems boring and confusing probably.)

Jake- I honestly don't know what to say about him right now, I'll get back to you on that.... or not, depends on my mood and if I continue to blog.

I would give a brief overview of this year, but it might get boring because it might start going off on random stories and bore you, so for now I guess it will be a mystery....

But for now: I am going to work for Surf-n-Swim soon, I took the AP World History test, I got a 97% on my Math CRT and a 91% on my science, friends are good, no romance (which is good right now), I am doing Surfers, and yep, that's about it. (at least for the last week or so, things always change ya know.)

Happy Weekend! only 3 more days of School!!!!!

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